Tornbuoni Art Gallery | Venice | Italy | ARCHEA Associati

LOCATION: Campo San Maurizio - Venezia
PROJECT: Commercial exhibition
CLIENT: Tornabuoni Arte srl
STRUCTURES: Favero&Milan ingegneria
COST:€ 700.000,00
BUILT AREA:60 sq m

The project involves a building in Campo San Maurizio, Piazza San Marco area. The restoration plan of a store-front commercial space envisaged its transformation into the Tornabuoni Arte contemporary art gallery, after those already active in Florence, Milan, Portofino, and Forte dei Marmi. The project is an opportunity to experiment with the theme of the small scale exhibition space. The paucity of available surfaces suggested a concept based on the perception of space and the relationship between container / contents. The existing structure, the result of an earlier restoration of the historical building, is subject to a further construction intervention aimed at the total elimination of the vertical supports: this allows the creation of an organic and winding indirect route. The white resin wraps indiscriminately around the horizontal and vertical surfaces sublimating the structure in a sculptural unity from which all the constituent and accessory spatial elements take their form, including the seating and horizontal surfaces. The lights arranged between the “craters” in the ceiling are the only “detail” in a spatially monochromatic continuum, smooth and devoid of references to geometric perspective, except for the works of art on display........more

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