Ministry of Economic Affairs | The Hague | The Netherlands | Capezed

Complete interior refurbishment of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, aimed at vitality and flexibility. The construction was originally arranged with closed hallways in the middle of each floor that were equipped with office spaces on both sides. In the new interior, this layout has been entirely abandoned. The offices haven been designed as open, light and transparant spaces, which has gained a lot of spatial quality. For the larger part, the new interior consists of flexible workstations provided with the latest ICT-facilities. These have been designed as concentration workplaces, open-plan offices or study café and have been integrated into environments with facilities such as meeting, lunch and lounge rooms. The several functions have been distinctly zoned and every floor has been furnished with a different theme. Because of the various ambiences and materials, the different parts of the ministry have acquired different characteristics, which makes for a better orientation and identification of the users. The interior is completely flexible and demountable. Accordingly, future redoings are easy and can be implemented without major construction-technical interventions......more

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