Retail Interior Design | Sneakerology | Sydney | New South Wales | Australia | Facet Studio

This is a museum which exhibits sneakers. That, by itself, is not much of a wonder. Although there is really no such field of study as "sneaker-ology", the main point of this shop is to capture "sneakers" in a scholarly fashion. The ability to manufacture products in small quantity of large variations that we have nowadays has enabled the production of sneakers in an endless plethora of design and colour variation that is unimaginable years ago. Taking into account the diversity of people's needs which resulted in the astronomical increase in product variety, rather than the freeform retail styles to date, we felt the necessity to switch to a systematic way of retail.
Currently, sneakers are equally exhibited in boxes. That is to provoke the association of careful storage and display of important historical artefacts in the museum context; this visual image was the origin of our thoughts to enclose and display the individual sneaker in their own boxes. Each box is 200mm x 600mm, and are individually numbered. By interacting with the touch panels located in the middle of the shop floor, it is possible to extract detailed information of the merchandise in front of your bare eyes. The consumer is thus able to experience the philosophy of each maker, thoughts of people involved in the design of the merchandise, and any story in the history of this design, hidden behind each individual shoe; he/she is also able to understand the price and stock situation at the same time......more

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